MGI Digital Graphic (Securibourse)

par Fabrice c moi, lundi 06 juin 2016, 21:14 (il y a 3093 jours) @ fl1317

Bsoir à tous,

L' année passée Céradrop ( machine de RD ) se donnait entre 12 et 24 mois pour passer en mode industrialisation, je crois que c,est fait...À vous d' en juger :-)

The whole CeraPrinter equipment range is high accuracy multi-material deposition systems with in-line multicuring technologies, in-situ characterization facilities embedded simultaneously enabling high precision deposition of functional materials and full area curing in each pass.

Evolutionary at lowest cost and delivered with exclusive software suite developed by CERADROP (CeraSlice, DropAnalyser and FabAnalyser) allowing its quick startup, easy to use and bottom-up approach for functional components design.

To go forward with our customers, we provide strong partnership, highly qualified, responsive worldwide maintenance and support team to provide assistance through each stage of project development.


Pour info...mon voisin se tient tranquille, mais il a dit à d' autres personnes que j' étais beau !! :diable:

La nuit (à défaut d' autre chose :surprised: ) va être longue :frappe:


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