News from JSE

par BouBou, vendredi 29 juillet 2005, 21:38 (il y a 7163 jours) @ francois16

ZCI - Trading Statement

Zambia Copper Investments Limited
(Registered in Bermuda)
JSE code: ZCI
ISIN: BMG988431240
("ZCI" or "the company")
ZCI is currently finalising its results for the period ended 31 December 2004,
which will be released within two working days. In this regard, shareholders are
advised that ZCI is expecting an increase in headline earnings per share to be
between US$ 0.5200 and US$ 0.5400, compared to the US$ -0.0545 recorded for the
corresponding period last year and an increase in earnings per share of between
US$ 0.4400 and US$ 0.4600, compared to the US$ 0.0545 recorded for the
corresponding period last year. This increase is due to favourable trading
conditions and the improved copper price in particular.
The forecast financial information on which this trading statement is based has
not been reviewed nor reported on by the company"s auditors.
29 July 2005
RAND MERCHANT BANK (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)
Date: 29/07/2005 05:53:03 PM Produced by the JSE SENS Department>AncmntNum=0028A&a...

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