Quelques exemples disponibles (Securibourse)

par jpa @, vendredi 10 novembre 2017, 18:11 (il y a 2657 jours) @ jpa

Pour un usage avec Excel
After installing the Quandl Excel Add-in, you can try any of these formulae by pasting them into a cell.
Filter by a single date
This call retrieves Nov 9, 2017 data for EURONEXT/ALMET.
Filter by a date range
This call retrieves data from Nov 7, 2017 to Nov 9, 2017 for EURONEXT/ALMET.
QSERIES("EURONEXT/ALMET", {"2017-11-07", "2017-11-09"})
Retrieve unfiltered time-series
This call retrieves all columns for EURONEXT/ALMET with no filters applied.
Retieve multiple unfiltered time-series
This call retrieves all columns for EURONEXT/ALMET, EURONEXT/STAL, EURONEXT/ANT with no filters applied.

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