ADEONA - small biotech US (Securibourse)

par lechinchin, mercredi 09 septembre 2009, 11:30 (il y a 5548 jours)
édité par lechinchin, mercredi 09 septembre 2009, 13:35

Pour les amateurs de biotechs US, ADEONA me semble encore ss évaluée, malgré la hausse de ces derniers jours

3 molécules en phase 3 avec pour chacune d'entre elles, un potentiel de blockbuster ( ventes > 1 Md de $ )
une tréso pour 16 mois de développement

le tt capitalisé 35 millions de $

A suivre de tres pres

ss ds le train depuis hier (pris à 0.7 et 0.85)

l'article qui m'a mis la puce à l'oreille >

ADEONA - small biotech US

par J.L. @, mercredi 09 septembre 2009, 12:59 (il y a 5548 jours) @ lechinchin

» l'article qui m'a mis la puce à l'oreille >

Petite erreur ds l'adresse du site :(faut enlever un point après www)

:-) :-)

Autre biotech

par J.L. @, mercredi 09 septembre 2009, 13:05 (il y a 5548 jours) @ J.L.

Aavez-vous remarqué l'évolution de Vivalis depuis novembre dernier > de 4€ à 11€
Elle me paraît encore pleine d'avenir. (voir le site)
Votre avis > Autre biotech >

:-) :-)

il est bien ce site ? stockshaven ?

par publicjo, mercredi 09 septembre 2009, 13:52 (il y a 5548 jours) @ lechinchin

Je ne connais pas ce site, mais avant de lire une reco de chez eux; ce site est il connu et fiable >

il est bien ce site ? stockshaven ?

par lechinchin, mercredi 09 septembre 2009, 18:08 (il y a 5547 jours) @ publicjo

je le trouve pas mal ... il a permis de mettre en évidence des décotes de boites comme HEB ou SOMX ... décotes injustifiées à l'époq

Il propose des idées ou nous fait connaitre des sociétés, à chacun de se faire son avis apres ...

Comparé avec COX et notamment, sa CB, son pipeline et le potentiel des ventes , je prefere LARGEMENT AEN qui pèse moins de 25 millions de $ !!

la CB de COX est 450M$, le pipeline est bcp moins riche ...

Today, y a une petite conso et passage ss les 1, elle cote now 1.2 ... soit une superbe conso, apres une hausse de plus de 200% ...
la hausse devrait continuer ama ... mais gare aux prises de bénefs qui pourraient s'avérer violentes ...

ADEONA - small biotech US

par pcalmon, jeudi 10 septembre 2009, 16:01 (il y a 5547 jours) @ lechinchin


je suis intéressé par ce titre, mais pouvez-vous m'indiquer par quel moyen il est possible d'acheter des titres sur le marché AMEX >

merci d'avance

ADEONA - small biotech US

par lechinchin, vendredi 11 septembre 2009, 11:25 (il y a 5546 jours) @ pcalmon

via fortuneo, c'est possible
Avec bouzo impossible d'intervenir sur l'AMEX

ADEONA - small biotech US

par gex, samedi 12 septembre 2009, 17:34 (il y a 5544 jours) @ lechinchin


Merci pour cette info, Adeona ne figurait pas dans mes tablettes.

A la lecture des SEC Fillings, je reste assez sceptique.

1. Est-il si sûr que ces molécules (dont on nous parle bien peu en fin de compte, d'un point de vue un tant soit peu technique)aient un potentiel de blockbuster> Si oui leurs récentes acquisitions suffiront-elles à leur fournir la logistique nécessaire>

2. La tréso est-elle bien de 16 millions, pas de 5 ou 6> (j'ai lu vite, donc sorry si j'ai oublié quelque chose)

3. Comment la tréso, même à 16 millions, pourrait-elle suffire pour 16 mois de développement de 3 molécules en phases III> Ca, je n'y crois absolument pas.

4. Pourquoi le marché suit-il si peu> Le marché américain est hyper sensible dans ce secteur. Les bonnes se devinent tout de suite simplement sur tableur à partir de quelques centaines de sociétés, en retenant sur trois ou quatre ans celles dont le rapport Capitalisation boursière/chiffre d'affaires est supérieur (au moins le double ou le triple) à la moyenne de ce rapport par niveau de chiffre d'affaires. Dès qu'on va vérifier sur pièces pour savoir de quoi il s'agit vraiment, le premier tri opéré objectivement par le marché est très instructif.

5. Enfin la construction de cette société dans l'histoire, ses différents montages de Sheffield jusqu'à Adeona en passant par Pipex, me gènent. J'ai tant vu passer de maisons semblables qui partaient du rachat d'une coquille vide (certes, Sheffield n'était pas une coquille vide), faisaient fonctionner la planche à billets, survivaient dix ans en OTC à 0.03 $, et terminaient dans le mur, que je suis méfiant.

Ceci juste pour relancer le débat, aussi parce que votre question m'interpelle au premier chef vu ma liste à ce jtb:-).

ADEONA - small biotech US

par lechinchin, dimanche 13 septembre 2009, 12:30 (il y a 5544 jours) @ gex

elo GEX,

Tentatives de réponses à tes pertinentes questions :

1) Je ne suis sûr de rien et je suis loin d'être un expert en la matière.

Il me parait vraiment difficile voire périlleux (!) d'effectuer des prévisions de succés sur telle ou telle molécule et encore moins d'en évaluer leurs potentiels de CA (exemple : COX et le potentiel du NAPRO ...)

Meme si le potentiel total de ventes d'ADEONA est de 500 Millions de $ (ce qui me parait très pessimiste vu la visée des marchés ...) pour les 3 molécules, ça me parait fortement décoté ... en terme de CA/CB.

2) la tréso est bien de 4-5M$ et permettra de tenir 16 mois.

3) Je n y crois pas non plus. J'attends la signature d'un partenariat

4) Le marché est loin de toujours suivre .... autrement il n y aurait jamais d'opportunité. Tu sembles t'intéresser aux bonnes biotechs, et ton tableur doit être intéressant pour les mette en évidence. De mon côté, j'essaie plutot de trouver les futures bonnes biotechs ;-) dont la CB < 150 M$ et dont les potentiels de CA paraissent explosifs. Le tableur risque plutot de les zapper, non >

5) Là, j'ai pas encore regardé. Mais merci pour ta remarque, je vais essayer de creuser ça ;-)

Merci pour ttes ces questions, le but de mon post initial était de faire connaitre une société et d'avoir un ressenti de la part d'autres intervenants.
ADEONA est tres spéculative, c'est indéniable et reste un pari sur un an minimum. Si elle n'avait eu qu'1 seule molécule en phase 3, je n'en aurais meme pas parlé sur ce forum. Si tu as d'autres remarques, voire de futures pépites à nous présenter, n'hésite SURTOUT pas.
D'ailleurs, à ce sujet, aurais tu une adresse email >

bon dimanche :-)

ADEONA - small biotech US

par malfougasse @, sainte-tulle(04), dimanche 13 septembre 2009, 13:35 (il y a 5544 jours) @ lechinchin

bonjour à toutes et à tous

je ne vous ferai pas d'analyse fondamentale ni même technique au sujet d'Adeona,je n'en ai malheureusement pas la compétence...

par contre le pipeline semble en effet à première vue impressionnant

mon petit cailloux à l'édifice c'est qu'étant indirectement concerné par la SEP ( sclérose en plaques ) , les résultats de phase II pour le Trimesta sembleraient ( si je les interprète correctement ) plus que prometteurs ( le volume des lésions de la myéline a diminué de 79% et le nombre de lésions a diminué de 82% ... ) ... ce qui , comparé aux médicaments actuels qui ne font que retarder l'évolution de la maladie , serait un réel progrès . ( la plupart des patients atteints de SEP n'ayant d'autres alternatives que le recours à la morphine pour soulager leurs douleurs )
On ne peut que souhaiter que les resultats de phase III viendront confirmer ceux de phase II .

je suis intéressé par cette valeur et donc tous vos avis , recherches ou analyses la concernant me seront d'un précieux secours .


A propos du potentiel de leurs produits en ph. III

par publicjo, dimanche 13 septembre 2009, 14:30 (il y a 5544 jours) @ lechinchin

J'ai juste jeté un coup d'oeil sur leur site...
Il y a du pour et pas mal de contre... En tous les cas, il faudrait bcp plus d'infos. En fait, le plus a été présenté plus haut par d'autres. Par contre, les moins...
Tout d'abord, l'hypothèse scientifique de base "déficits polycliniques en zinc et chroniques en cuivre" n'est pas du tout une hypothèse validée, au moins dans les maladies du système nerveux central, maladies que je connais bien.
Pour la SEP, leur molécule en phase 3, l'estriol (ou trimesta)... Sur l'efficacité, pourquoi pas, j'avais lu quelques papiers dans ce genre mais je me demande comment ils vont faire sur un plan légal: il s'agit d'une hormone endogène, déjà commercialisée... Alors ok, ils vont peut être avoir une autre indication, mais à mon avis, le prix de la spécialité commercialisée va être ridicule.... (<50 cts € par jour à mon avis / et encore, je suis très généreux et les systèmes de soins ne sont pas généreux en ce moment)
Pour la zinthioneine, c'est un peu pareil (c'est du zinc...)
Pour leur dernier produit en phase 3, je ne sais pas trop pour le coup (hsp), ça vaut peut être plus le coup >

A propos du potentiel de leurs produits en ph. III

par malfougasse @, sainte-tulle(04), dimanche 13 septembre 2009, 17:41 (il y a 5543 jours) @ publicjo

merci beaucoup publicjo pour ton avis , en particulier au sujet de l'estriol qui est déjà commercialisé

Du nouveau sur Adeona chez Biomed Reports

par gex, vendredi 13 novembre 2009, 23:09 (il y a 5482 jours) @ malfougasse

Adeona Announces Publication of Results of 160 Patient Phase 2 Clinical Trial of Oral dnaJP1 for Rheumatoid Arthritis PDF | Print | E-mail
Thursday, 12 November 2009 23:31

Results Published in Journal, Arthritis & Rheumatism; Oral Peptide Capable of Inducing Immune Tolerance to Key Antigen Expressed by 75% of RA Patients; Adeona Actively Seeking Corporate Par ners for This Program

ANN ARBOR, MI--(Marketwire - November 13, 2009) -Adeona Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (AMEX: AEN) announced today the publication in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatism of results of a 160-patient, six-month, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase 2 clinical trial using the company's oral dnaJP1 for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).The results of the study were originally presented at the 2008 American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting. The study was sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Oral dnaJP1 is an orally active epitope-specific immunotherapeutic molecule derived from a family of heat shock proteins that contribute to autoimmune inflammation in RA patients.

The publication entitled, "Epitope-specific immunotherapy of rheumatoid arthritis: Clinical responsiveness occurs with immune deviation and relies on the expression of a cluster of molecules associated with T cell tolerance in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, pilot phase II trial," can be found in the current issue of Arthritis & Rheumatism, Vol. 60(11), pages 3207-3216, with related editorial at page A21.

The Clinical Trial:

The clinical trial was an 11 center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of daily oral dnaJP1 (25mg capsule) versus placebo in 160 rheumatoid arthritis patients with active disease, disease onset of less than 5 years and that also demonstrated reactivity to the dnaJP1 peptide by in vitro analysis.

Results of the published study showed the following:

1. dnaJP1 appeared to be safe and well-tolerated;

2. There was a significant reduction in the percentage of T cells producing the porinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) (p < 0.0007);

3. The primary efficacy end point (meeting the American College of Rheumatology 20% improvement criteria at least once on day 112, 140, or 168) showed a difference between treatment groups (p=0.09) that became significant in post hoc analysis using generalized estimating equations (p=0.04).

4. Differences in clinical responses were also found between treatment groups on day 140 and at follow up, indicative a durable response following discontinuation of therapy.

5. Post hoc analysis showed that the combination of dnaJP1 and the commercially available RA agent, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), was superior to the combination of HCQ and placebo, demonstrating potential synergistic of dnaJP1 with HCQ.

Max Lyon, Adeona's President and Chief Executive Officer, commented, "We are pleased that this important study is receiving the scientific attention it deserves and believe that dnaJP1 has significant potential to improve the course of treatment for RA patients. We are currently engaged in a variety of activities required to support further clinical trials of dnaJP1 while simultaneously actively seeking U.S. and international licensing and corporate partnerships for this potentially important new therapy for RA."

Business Development Opportunity

Adeona is actively seeking U.S. and international corporate partners interested in assisting in the further development and commercialization of this novel and potentially important new therapeutic approach for RA. Interested parties should contact Max Lyon, Chief Executive Officer and President at (734) 332-7800 x 36 or by email at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

About Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease that leads to pain, stiffness, swelling and limitation in the motion and function of multiple joints. If left untreated, RA may produce serious destruction of joints that frequently leads to permanent disability. Although the joints are the principal body part affected by RA, inflammation may develop in other organs as well. The disease currently affects over two million Americans, almost one percent of the population, and is two to three times more prevalent in women. Onset can occur at any point in life but is most frequently manifested in the fourth and fifth decades of life, with most patients developing the disease between the ages of 35 and 50. Over 20 million people suffer from rheumatoid arthritis worldwide, and the global market is estimated at over $6.3 billion. DMARDs, including biologics such as Enbrel®, Humira®, Cimzia®, and Remicade®, accounted for nearly $5.0 billion of that figure. The global market for RA therapies has been estimated at $13 billion.

About Oral dnaJP1

Oral dnaJP1 is an epitope-specific immunotherapy for RA patients. Oral dnaJP1 is a heat shock protein (hsp)-derived peptide which was previously identified as a contributor of T-cell-mediated inflammation in RA Immune responses to hsp and are often found at sites of inflammation and have an initially amplifying effect that needs to be down-regulated to prevent tissue damage. The mechanisms for this regulation involve T-cells with regulatory functions that are specific for hsp-derived antigens. This regulatory function is one of the key components of a "molecular dimmer" whose physiologic function is to modulate inflammation independently from its trigger. This function is impaired in autoimmunity and could be restored for therapeutic purposes.

The mechanistic hypothesis is that mucosal tolerization to oral dnaJP1 could determine immune tolerization primarily of T-cells and secondarily of APC. The effects of immune tolerance are initially peptide-specific but affect secondarily non-epitope specific pathways. Immune tolerance could translate into clinical benefit.

About Adeona Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Adeona Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (AMEX: AEN) is a specialty pharmaceutical company dedicated to the awareness, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of zinc deficiency and chronic copper toxicity in the mature population. Adeona believes that these conditions may contribute to the progression of debilitating degenerative diseases, including, Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration (Dry AMD), Alzheimer's disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in susceptible persons. Using Adeona's proprietary, modified oral zinc delivery technologies, Adeona is preparing to initiate the first clinical trial of oral zinc therapy for the once-a-day dietary management of AD and MCI. Adeona is also developing a number of late-stage clinical drug candidates for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Adeona recently launched its Copperproof™ Test Panel through its HartLab subsidiary, which is intended to provide accurate and timely information to physicians regarding the copper and zinc metabolic status of their Alzheimer's disease and cognitive impairment patients. For further information, please visit or

This release includes forward-looking statements on Adeona's current expectations and projections about future events. In some cases forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as "may," "should," "potential," "continue," "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "believes," "estimates," and similar expressions. These statements are based upon current beliefs, expectations and assumptions and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and include statements regarding designing additional clinical trials for its oral zinc therapies, dnaJP1, Zinthionein, Zinthionein ZC, flupirtine, or Trimesta. Adeona is at an early stage of development and may not ever have any products that generate significant revenue. Adeona's Hartlab subsidiary is generating modest revenues and its future success will likely depend upon its ability to successfully introduce and market new specialty diagnostic assays to generate additional revenues. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those reflected in Adeona's forward-looking statements include, among others, a failure of Adeona's product candidates to be demonstrably safe and effective, a failure to obtain regulatory approval for the company's products or to comply with ongoing regulatory requirements, regulatory limitations relating to the company's ability to promote or commercialize its products for awareness, prevention, diagnosis or treatment of zinc deficiency and chronic copper toxicity, a lack of acceptance of Adeona's product candidates in the marketplace, a failure of the company to become or remain profitable, that we will continue to meet the continued listing requirements of the American Stock Exchange (which, unlike other exchanges, does not require us to maintain any minimum bid price with respect our stock but does require us to maintain a minimum of $4 million in stockholders' equity during the current year, for example), our inability to obtain the capital necessary to fund the company's research and development activities, a loss of any of the company's key scientists or management personnel, and other factors described in Adeona's report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2008, Forms 10-Q for quarters ending in 2009 and any other filings with the SEC. No forward-looking statements can be guaranteed and actual results may differ materially from such statements. The information in this release is provided only as of the date of this release, and Adeona undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this release on account of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by law.

Du nouveau sur Adeona (2)

par lechinchin, samedi 14 novembre 2009, 10:02 (il y a 5482 jours) @ gex

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Adeona Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (AMEX: AEN) announced today that it has initiated the U.S. launch of its high precision diagnostic test panel for the comprehensive evaluation of zinc and copper status in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The CopperProof Test Panel™ will be offered through the company's HartLab LLC clinical laboratory subsidiary and will provide a comprehensive look at the metabolic serum copper and zinc status of AD and MCI patients, which status has been shown to be impaired in this patient population. Defects in copper metabolism and high free copper levels are increasingly being recognized as significant factors in the progression of neurodegenerative diseases, including AD and MCI. A clinical zinc deficiency in AD patients has also been recognized for the first time in a recent Adeona-sponsored clinical study.

Adeona has hired a specialty sales force to bring the CopperProof Test Panel to neurologists, psychiatrists, gerontologists, nursing homes and other physicians that regularly treat patients with AD and MCI in selected key U.S. markets. The company will continue to build its specialty sales force with individuals having extensive experience calling on these physician practices and will expand its sales efforts to eventually cover the entire U.S. market. It is estimated that 25 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer's disease or cognitive impairment. The Alzheimer's Association estimates that $148 billion is spent each year caring for AD patients. Therapeutic products for AD and MCI represent an existing multi-billion dollar U.S. market. Current treatment solutions generally provide only symptomatic relief and are inadequate to halt the progression and devastating effects of AD and MCI, creating a significant market opportunity for new, potentially disease modifying solutions.

A teleconference call has been scheduled for 1:00p.m. EST today to discuss the product launch. Participants may join the teleconference by dialing 888-471-3841 just prior to 1:00p.m. EST. The passcode is 4751078. A replay of the teleconference will be available on Adeona's website for at least 15 days following the call.

On July 9, 2009 Adeona completed the acquisition of HartLab LLC, a CLIA-certified clinical reference laboratory located in Bolingbrook, Illinois. On July 15, 2009, Adeona presented the results of the CopperProof 1 Study, a prospective observational study comparing serum parameters of copper and zinc status in patients with Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and normal subjects, at the 2009 International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease (ICAD) in Vienna, Austria. This study showed a strong correlation between Alzheimer's disease and impaired serum copper binding as well as elevated percent free (non-ceruloplasmin bound) serum copper levels in AD patients. The study also reported, for the first time, clinical and subclinical zinc deficiency in AD patients.

The CopperProof Test Panel, developed at HartLab, will potentially identify patients with defective serum ceruloplasmin, elevated percentages of serum free copper level as well as zinc deficiency. Adeona believes that defects in copper metabolism and elevated percentages of serum free copper (non-ceruloplasmin bound) predisposes certain persons to enhanced susceptibility to the neurotoxic effects of copper, which include the aggregation, and reduced clearance, of oxidative copper in the beta amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, the hallmark brain pathologies of Alzheimer's disease (1-5). To learn more about the CopperProof Test Panel and HartLab, please visit

On November 2, 2009, Adeona announced that it had received Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval to initiate a 60 patient, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of its patent pending Zinthionein™ ZC in an AD and MCI patient group. The clinical trial, titled "CopperProof 2" will test, for the first time, the effects of a novel gastro-retentive, sustained release zinc/cysteine combination tablet on the amelioration of sub-clinical zinc deficiency, and elevated percentage serum free copper, associated with Alzheimer's Disease. Adeona believes that Zinthionein™ ZC will prove to be beneficial to lowering high free copper levels and eliminating sub-clinical zinc deficiency in the AD and MCI populations. The company further believes correcting these free copper and zinc imbalances through dietary management may slow the progression of AD and MCI.

Max Lyon, Adeona's CEO, stated, "We are excited to introduce our first product offering for the very under-served Alzheimer's disease and cognitive impaired patient population. AD and MCI have been resistant to other therapeutic approaches, leaving many patients, and their caregivers, with little hope of stopping the continued progression of the patient's cognitive decline. We plan to identify those patients with copper and zinc imbalances and to provide therapeutic alternatives, such as high dose zinc therapy, which can correct these imbalances and may have a positive effect in slowing the progression of disease. We consider chronic copper toxicity and sub-clinical zinc deficiency to be a significantly under-recognized and modifiable risk factor for the progression of AD and MCI. Using our patent pending, modified oral zinc delivery technologies, we recently announced initiation of the first clinical trial of oral zinc therapy, Zinthionein™ ZC, for the once-a-day dietary management of AD and MCI."

About Adeona Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Adeona Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (AMEX: AEN) is a specialty pharmaceutical company dedicated to the awareness, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of zinc deficiency and chronic copper toxicity in the mature population. Adeona believes that these conditions may contribute to the progression of debilitating degenerative diseases, including, Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration (Dry AMD), Alzheimer's disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in susceptible persons. Using Adeona's proprietary, modified oral zinc delivery technologies, Adeona is preparing to initiate the first clinical trial of oral zinc therapy for the once-a-day dietary management of AD and MCI. Adeona is also developing a number of late-stage clinical drug candidates for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. For further information, please visit

About HartLab LLC

HartLab is a specialty clinical laboratory with the primary mission to be the leading national clinical laboratory for the testing of copper and zinc metabolic status in the mature population. Recent published scientific studies have shown the strong relationship between high inorganic ("free") copper levels in serum and the progression of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI). A recent Adeona Pharmaceuticals sponsored study, presented at the 2009 International Congress on Alzheimer's Disease (ICAD), showed a sub-clinical zinc deficiency in Alzheimer's patients. HartLab has developed the CopperProof Test Panel which will provide a definitive analysis of copper and zinc metabolic status and identify those AD and MCI patients with high "free" copper levels and sub-clinical zinc deficiency, as well as provide other important diagnostic results. These individuals may be candidates for physician prescribed therapy to correct their copper and zinc imbalances. HartLab also serves the greater Chicago area with a full service clinical laboratory operation including a comprehensive menu of tests. Its website is

For further background on the role of zinc and copper imbalance in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment interested persons are directed to and the following references:

1. Sparks D. and Schreurs, B., Trace amounts of copper in water induce beta-amyloid plaques and learning deficits in a rabbit model of Alzheimer's disease. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (2003) 100: 11065-11069.

2. Sparks DL, Friedland R, Petanceska S, Schreurs BG, Shi J, Perry G, Smith MA, Sharma A, Derosa S, Ziolkowski C, Stankovic G., Trace copper levels in the drinking water, but not zinc or aluminum influence CNS Alzheimer-like pathology, J Nutr Health Aging. (2006 Jul-Aug);10(4):247-54.

3. Deane R, Sagare A, Coma M, Parisi M, Gelein R, Singh I, Zlokovic B, A novel role for copper: Disruption of LRP-dependent brain A> clearance, Neuroscience 2007, Society for Neuroscience (Nov. 2007), Pres. 857.2

4. Kitazawa M, Cheng D, Laferla FM., Chronic copper exposure exacerbates both amyloid and tau pathology and selectively dysregulates cdk5 in a mouse model of AD., J Neurochem. (Mar. 2009);108(6):1550-60. Epub 2009 Jan 22.

5. Morris MC, Evans DA, Tangney CC, et al., Dietary copper and high saturated and trans fat intakes associated with cognitive decline., Arch Neurol. (2006) 63: 1085-1088.


7. Committee on Copper in Drinking Water, Copper in Drinking Water, National Research Council, National Academy Press (2000).

8. Squitti R, Bressi F, Paswualetti P, Bonomini C, Ghidoni, R, Binetti G, Casetta E, Moffa F, Ventriglia M, Vernieri F, Rossini P., Longitudinal prognostic value of serum "free" copper in patients with Alzheimer's disease, Neurology, (Jan. 2009) 72: 50-55.

This release includes forward-looking statements on Adeona's current expectations and projections about future events. In some cases forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as "may," "should," "potential," "continue," "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "believes," "estimates," and similar expressions. These statements are based upon current beliefs, expectations and assumptions and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and include statements regarding designing additional clinical trials for its oral zinc therapies, dnaJP1, Zinthionein, Zinthionein ZC, flupirtine, or Trimesta. Adeona is at an early stage of development and may not ever have any products that generate significant revenue. Adeona's Hartlab subsidiary is generating modest revenues and its future success will likely depend upon its ability to successfully introduce and market new specialty diagnostic assays to generate additional revenues. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those reflected in Adeona's forward-looking statements include, among others, a failure of Adeona's product candidates to be demonstrably safe and effective, a failure to obtain regulatory approval for the company's products or to comply with ongoing regulatory requirements, regulatory limitations relating to the company's ability to promote or commercialize its products for awareness, prevention, diagnosis or treatment of zinc deficiency and chronic copper toxicity, a lack of acceptance of Adeona's product candidates in the marketplace, a failure of the company to become or remain profitable, that we will continue to meet the continued listing requirements of the American Stock Exchange (which, unlike other exchanges, does not require us to maintain any minimum bid price with respect our stock but does require us to maintain a minimum of $4 million in stockholders' equity during the current year, for example), our inability to obtain the capital necessary to fund the company's research and development activities, a loss of any of the company's key scientists or management personnel, and other factors described in Adeona's report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2008, Forms 10-Q for quarters ending in 2009 and any other filings with the SEC. No forward-looking statements can be guaranteed and actual results may differ materially from such statements. The information in this release is provided only as of the date of this release, and Adeona undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this release on account of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by law. Zinthionein™ ZC-GS150 is a patent pending modified release formulation containing 150mg of elemental zinc and other ingredients that does not contain zinc-monocysteine. Zinthionein™ and CopperProof™ are a trademarks of Adeona Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Diagnostic uses of the CopperProof trademark are exclusively licensed by Hartlab LLC. Certain elements of the CopperProof Test Panel are Laboratory Developed Tests and not approved by the FDA.>option=com_content&task=view&id=141678&It...

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